Sunday, November 30, 2008

Rusty Bobby Pins

I have a five year old daughter of beautiful golden red hair which, unfortunately, she likes to wear straight down over her gorgeous face. Every morning before school I attempt to clip back her long bangs using a variety of hair products. Bobby pins are most effective because she tends to forget about them easily. I have noticed she comes home from school lacking pins more often than not. I have to buy a new package about once every two months and I figure they litter her playground, the school yard and our back yard. They turn up in the car, in her backpack and sometimes in the vacuum cleaner. Last night the fixer found almost a dozen, rusty and wet bobby pins in the pump of our washing machine. Lesson learned, check the pockets of my fiery little redhead BEFORE doing laundry.

1 comment:

Mountain Mama said...

with boys, I know I should check their pockets. I'm scared to though. Very scared.